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- /*
- ** $VER: device.c 1.10 (29 Dec 1995)
- **
- ** magplip.device - Parallel Line Internet Protocol
- **
- ** Original code written by Oliver Wagner and Michael Balzer.
- **
- ** This version has been completely reworked by Marius Gröger, introducing
- ** slight protocol changes. The new source is a lot better organized and
- ** maintainable.
- **
- ** Additional changes and code cleanup by Jan Kratochvil and Martin Mares.
- ** The new source is significantly faster and yet better maintainable.
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1993-1994 Oliver Wagner & Michael Balzer
- ** (C) Copyright 1995 Jan Kratochvil & Martin Mares
- ** (C) Copyright 1995 Marius Gröger
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- ** $HISTORY:
- **
- ** 29 Dec 1995 : 001.010 : + taglist of CreateNewProcTags() wasn't
- ** properly ended
- ** + FreeSignal() missing
- ** + better error check on child task launch
- ** 03 Sep 1995 : 001.009 : hardware addressing nicer
- ** 30 Aug 1995 : 001.008 : minor declaration related changes
- ** 20 Aug 1995 : 001.007 : just bumped for new header, no code changes
- ** 05 Aug 1995 : 001.006 : finally compiles w/out warnings :)
- ** 25 Apr 1995 : 001.005 : now compiles with ANSI and STRICT
- ** 08 Mar 1995 : 001.004 : now handles directly write reqs, the server
- ** task is just signalled
- ** 05 Mar 1995 : 001.003 : S2_DEVICEQUERY was desastrously broken
- ** 04 Mar 1995 : 001.002 : using SANA2IOF_QUICK instead IOF_QUICK
- ** 18 Feb 1995 : 001.001 : using BASEPTR
- ** PLIPBase is cleared in DevInit()
- ** now rejects all r/w-requests without BuffMgmt
- ** 12 Feb 1995 : 001.000 : reworked original
- */
- #define DEBUG 0
- /*F*/ /* includes */
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_sysbase_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/cia_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/cia_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/misc_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/misc_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #include <clib/timer_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/timer_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef DEVICES_SANA2_H
- #include <devices/sana2.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef HARDWARE_CIA_H
- #include <hardware/cia.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef DOS_DOSTAGS_H
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #endif
- #include <resources/misc.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_MEMORY_H
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef _STRING_H
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __MAGPLIP_H
- #include "magplip.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __DEBUG_H
- #include "debug.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __COMPILER_H
- #include "compiler.h"
- #endif
- /*E*/
- /*F*/ /* imports */
- PUBLIC BOOL remtracktype(BASEPTR, ULONG type);
- PUBLIC BOOL addtracktype(BASEPTR, ULONG type);
- PUBLIC BOOL gettrackrec(BASEPTR, ULONG type, APTR info);
- PUBLIC VOID dotracktype(BASEPTR, ULONG type, ULONG ps, ULONG pr, ULONG bs, ULONG br, ULONG pd);
- PUBLIC VOID freetracktypes(BASEPTR);
- #define min __builtin_min
- /*E*/
- /*F*/ /* exports */
- PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS struct Device *DevInit(REG(d0) BASEPTR, REG(a0) BPTR seglist, REG(a6) struct Library *_SysBase);
- PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS LONG DevOpen(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ios2, REG(d0) ULONG unit, REG(d1) ULONG flags, REG(a6) BASEPTR);
- PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS BPTR DevClose( REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ior, REG(a6) BASEPTR);
- PUBLIC VOID DevTermIO(BASEPTR, struct IOSana2Req *ios2);
- PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS VOID DevBeginIO(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ios2, REG(a6) BASEPTR);
- PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS LONG DevAbortIO(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ior, REG(a6) BASEPTR);
- /*E*/
- /*F*/ /* private */
- PRIVATE BOOL isinlist(struct Node *n, struct List *l);
- PRIVATE VOID abort(BASEPTR, struct IOSana2Req *ior);
- /*E*/
- /*
- ** various support routines
- */
- /*F*/ PRIVATE BOOL isinlist(struct Node *n, struct List *l)
- {
- struct Node *cmp;
- for(cmp = l->lh_Head; cmp->ln_Succ; cmp = cmp->ln_Succ)
- if (cmp == n) return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*E*/
- /*F*/ PRIVATE VOID abort(BASEPTR, struct IOSana2Req *ior)
- {
- Remove((struct Node*)ior);
- ior->ios2_Req.io_Error = IOERR_ABORTED;
- ior->ios2_WireError = 0;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message*)ior);
- }
- /*E*/
- /*
- ** initialise device
- */
- /*F*/ PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS struct Device *DevInit(REG(d0) BASEPTR, REG(a0) BPTR seglist, REG(a6) struct Library *_SysBase)
- {
- BOOL ok;
- UBYTE *p;
- UWORD i;
- d(("entered device, initialising PLIPBase...\n"));
- /* clear data base */
- for(p = ((UBYTE*)pb) + sizeof(struct Library), i = sizeof(struct PLIPBase)-sizeof(struct Library); i; i--)
- *p++ = 0;
- SysBase = _SysBase;
- pb->pb_SegList = seglist; /* store DOS segment list */
- /* init some default values */
- pb->pb_MTU = PLIP_DEFMTU;
- pb->pb_ReportBPS = PLIP_DEFBPS;
- pb->pb_Retries = PLIP_DEFRETRIES;
- pb->pb_Timeout = PLIP_DEFTIMEOUT;
- /* set signal to unallocated state */
- pb->pb_IntSig = (ULONG)-1;
- /* initialise the lists */
- NewList((struct List*)&pb->pb_ReadList);
- NewList((struct List*)&pb->pb_WriteList);
- NewList((struct List*)&pb->pb_EventList);
- NewList((struct List*)&pb->pb_ReadOrphanList);
- NewList((struct List*)&pb->pb_TrackList);
- NewList((struct List*)&pb->pb_BufferManagement);
- /* initialise the access protection semaphores */
- InitSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadListSem);
- InitSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadOrphanListSem);
- InitSemaphore(&pb->pb_EventListSem);
- InitSemaphore(&pb->pb_WriteListSem);
- InitSemaphore(&pb->pb_TrackListSem);
- InitSemaphore(&pb->pb_Lock);
- ok = FALSE;
- if (UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 37))
- {
- if (DOSBase = OpenLibrary("dos.library", 37))
- {
- ok = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- d(("no dos\n"));
- }
- if (!ok) CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- }
- else
- {
- d(("no utility\n"));
- }
- d(("left %ld\n",ok));
- return (struct Device *)(ok ? pb : NULL);
- }
- /*E*/
- /*
- ** open device
- */
- /*F*/ PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS LONG DevOpen(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ios2, REG(d0) ULONG unit, REG(d1) ULONG flags, REG(a6) BASEPTR)
- {
- BOOL ok = FALSE;
- struct BufferManagement *bm;
- LONG rv;
- d(("entered\n"));
- /* Make sure our open remains single-threaded. */
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_Lock);
- pb->pb_DevNode.lib_OpenCnt++;
- /* not promiscouos mode and unit valid ? */
- if (!(flags & SANA2OPF_PROM) && ((unit == 0) || (unit == 1)))
- {
- /* Allow access only if NOT:
- **
- ** Anybody else has already opened it AND
- ** the current access is exclusive
- ** OR the first access was exclusive
- ** OR this access wants a different unit
- */
- if (!((pb->pb_DevNode.lib_OpenCnt > 1) &&
- ((flags & SANA2OPF_MINE)
- || (pb->pb_Flags & PLIPF_EXCLUSIVE)
- || (unit != pb->pb_Unit))))
- {
- if (flags & SANA2OPF_MINE)
- pb->pb_Flags |= PLIPF_EXCLUSIVE;
- else
- pb->pb_Flags &= ~PLIPF_EXCLUSIVE;
- /*
- ** The origninal "client/server" scheme was unfortune. I guess this
- ** resulted out of the (also very unfortune) wiring: POUT->POUT,
- ** BUSY->BUSY. Had the creators chosen this connection to be crossed
- ** over, a completely symmetrical driver would have been possible.
- ** My new approach does the (in either case) neccessary crossing
- ** by software. The PLIPBase->HandshakeXXX[] arrays are initialised
- ** here so that the actual communication code are no longer bothered.
- */
- if (unit)
- {
- pb->pb_HandshakeMask[HS_LINE] = CIAF_PRTRPOUT;
- pb->pb_HandshakeMask[HS_REQUEST] = CIAF_PRTRBUSY;
- pb->pb_HandshakeBit[HS_LINE] = CIAB_PRTRPOUT;
- pb->pb_HandshakeBit[HS_REQUEST] = CIAB_PRTRBUSY;
- pb->pb_SrcAddr[0] = 0x80;
- pb->pb_DstAddr[0] = 0x00;
- }
- else
- {
- pb->pb_HandshakeMask[HS_LINE] = CIAF_PRTRBUSY;
- pb->pb_HandshakeMask[HS_REQUEST] = CIAF_PRTRPOUT;
- pb->pb_HandshakeBit[HS_LINE] = CIAB_PRTRBUSY;
- pb->pb_HandshakeBit[HS_REQUEST] = CIAB_PRTRPOUT;
- pb->pb_SrcAddr[0] = 0x00;
- pb->pb_DstAddr[0] = 0x80;
- }
- /*
- ** Each opnener get's it's own BufferManagement. This is neccessary
- ** since we want to allow several protocol stacks to use PLIP
- ** simultaneously.
- */
- if (bm = AllocVec(sizeof(struct BufferManagement),MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC))
- {
- /*
- ** We don't care if there actually are buffer management functions,
- ** because there might be openers who just want some statistics
- ** from us.
- */
- #if defined(__SASC) && (__VERSION__ == 6) && (__REVISION__ == 56)
- /* Jippieee! */
- bm->bm_CopyToBuffer = (BMFunc)GetTagData(S2_CopyToBuff, NULL,
- (struct TagItem *)ios2->ios2_BufferManagement);
- bm->bm_CopyFromBuffer = (BMFunc)GetTagData(S2_CopyFromBuff, NULL,
- (struct TagItem *)ios2->ios2_BufferManagement);
- #else
- /*
- ** The type casting below is very beautiful. This is a SAS/C bug:
- ** I have to cast the ULONG that I got from GetTagData() to a
- ** (void (*)(void)) function pointer. Now I may cast it to (BMFunc),
- ** which defines the __asm and register stuff.
- **
- ** I would call this a cast with ``soft force'', as it seems that
- ** I slowly have to make the ULONG being used to the fact of
- ** becoming a pointer (``Look, old mathematical chap: didn't you
- ** always want to be a pointer? Did you know how less it takes, how
- ** mighty the dark side of the force really is?'').
- */
- bm->bm_CopyToBuffer = (BMFunc)((void (*)())(GetTagData(S2_CopyToBuff, NULL,
- (struct TagItem *)ios2->ios2_BufferManagement)));
- bm->bm_CopyFromBuffer = (BMFunc)((void (*)())(GetTagData(S2_CopyFromBuff, NULL,
- (struct TagItem *)ios2->ios2_BufferManagement)));
- #endif
- d(("starting servertask\n"));
- if (!pb->pb_Server)
- {
- volatile struct ServerStartup ss;
- struct MsgPort *port;
- if (port = CreateMsgPort())
- {
- d(("starting server"));
- if (pb->pb_Server = CreateNewProcTags(NP_Entry, ServerTask, NP_Name,
- {
- ss.ss_Error = 1;
- ss.ss_PLIPBase = pb;
- ss.ss_Msg.mn_Length = sizeof(ss);
- ss.ss_Msg.mn_ReplyPort = port;
- d(("passing startup msg, pb is %lx\n", pb));
- PutMsg(&pb->pb_Server->pr_MsgPort, (struct Message*)&ss);
- WaitPort(port);
- if (!ss.ss_Error)
- ok = TRUE;
- else
- {
- d(("server task failed\n"));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- d(("couldn't launch server task\n"));
- }
- DeleteMsgPort(port);
- }
- else
- {
- d(("no temp-message port for server startup\n"));
- }
- }
- else ok = TRUE;
- if (!ok)
- FreeVec(bm);
- else
- {
- /* enqueue buffer management into list
- */
- AddTail((struct List *)&pb->pb_BufferManagement,(struct Node *)bm);
- pb->pb_DevNode.lib_OpenCnt++;
- pb->pb_DevNode.lib_Flags &= ~LIBF_DELEXP;
- ios2->ios2_BufferManagement = (VOID *)bm;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = 0;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Unit = (struct Unit *)unit;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Device = (struct Device *)pb;
- rv = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* See if something went wrong. */
- if(!ok)
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = IOERR_OPENFAIL;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Unit = (struct Unit *) 0;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Device = (struct Device *) 0;
- }
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_REPLYMSG;
- pb->pb_DevNode.lib_OpenCnt--;
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_Lock);
- return rv;
- }
- /*E*/
- /*
- ** close device
- */
- /*F*/ PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS BPTR DevClose(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ior, REG(a6) BASEPTR)
- {
- BPTR seglist;
- struct BufferManagement *bm;
- d2(("entered\n"));
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_Lock);
- /* invalidate IO request block */
- ior->ios2_Req.io_Device = (struct Device *)-1;
- ior->ios2_Req.io_Unit = (struct Unit *)-1;
- /* search and free BuffMgmt structure */
- for(bm = (struct BufferManagement *)pb->pb_BufferManagement.lh_Head;
- bm->bm_Node.mln_Succ; bm = (struct BufferManagement *)bm->bm_Node.mln_Succ)
- if (bm == ior->ios2_BufferManagement)
- {
- Remove((struct Node*)bm);
- FreeVec(bm);
- break;
- }
- pb->pb_DevNode.lib_OpenCnt--;
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_Lock);
- if (pb->pb_DevNode.lib_Flags & LIBF_DELEXP)
- seglist = DevExpunge(pb);
- else
- seglist = 0;
- return seglist;
- }
- /*E*/
- {
- BPTR seglist;
- ULONG sigb;
- d2(("entered\n"));
- if (pb->pb_DevNode.lib_OpenCnt)
- {
- pb->pb_DevNode.lib_Flags |= LIBF_DELEXP;
- seglist = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* detach device from system list */
- Remove((struct Node*)pb);
- /* stop the servr task */
- d2(("killing server task\n"));
- pb->pb_Task = FindTask(0L);
- /* We must allocate a new signal, as we don't know in whose
- ** context we're running. If we get no signal, we poll
- ** for the server-exits flag.
- */
- sigb = AllocSignal(-1);
- pb->pb_ServerStoppedSigMask = (sigb == -1) ? 0 : (1<<sigb);
- Signal((struct Task*)pb->pb_Server, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- if (pb->pb_ServerStoppedSigMask)
- {
- Wait(pb->pb_ServerStoppedSigMask);
- FreeSignal(sigb);
- }
- else
- {
- while(!(pb->pb_Flags & PLIPF_SERVERSTOPPED))
- Delay(10);
- }
- d2(("server task has gone\n"));
- /* clean up track */
- freetracktypes(pb);
- CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- CloseLibrary(DOSBase);
- /* save seglist for return value */
- seglist = (long)pb->pb_SegList;
- /* return memory
- **
- */
- FreeMem( ((char *) pb) - pb->pb_DevNode.lib_NegSize,
- (ULONG)(pb->pb_DevNode.lib_PosSize + pb->pb_DevNode.lib_NegSize));
- }
- return seglist;
- }
- /*E*/
- /*
- ** initiate io command (1st level dispatcher)
- */
- /*F*/ static INLINE VOID DevForwardIO(BASEPTR, struct IOSana2Req *ios2)
- {
- d(("forwarding request %ld\n", ios2->ios2_Req.io_Command));
- /* request is no longer of type "quick i/o" */
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags &= ~SANA2IOF_QUICK;
- PutMsg(pb->pb_ServerPort, (struct Message*)ios2);
- }
- /*E*/
- /*F*/ PUBLIC VOID DevTermIO(BASEPTR, struct IOSana2Req *ios2)
- {
- d(("cmd = %ld, error = %ld, wireerror = %ld\n", ios2->ios2_Req.io_Command, ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error,ios2->ios2_WireError));
- /* if this command was done asynchonously, we must
- ** reply the request
- */
- if(!(ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags & SANA2IOF_QUICK))
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)ios2);
- else /* otherwise just mark it as done */
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_REPLYMSG;
- }
- /*E*/
- /*F*/ PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS VOID DevBeginIO(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ios2, REG(a6) BASEPTR)
- {
- /* mark request as active */
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_NO_ERROR;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
- d(("cmd = %ld\n",ios2->ios2_Req.io_Command));
- /*
- ** 1st level command dispatcher
- **
- ** Here we decide wether we can process the request immediately avoiding
- ** a task switch. This is called "Quick I/O" and signalled to DoIO()
- ** by setting the node type of the request to NT_REPLYMSG (see TermIO()).
- **
- ** Otherwise, we clear the SANA2IOF_QUICK flag and forward the request to
- ** the server. We may NEVER again access the request structure after
- ** the PutMsg()! The server - running at a high priority - will peempt
- ** us and might complety satisfy the request before we will be wakened up
- ** again.
- ** The same goes for those requests that we put into the server's queue.
- */
- switch(ios2->ios2_Req.io_Command)
- {
- case CMD_READ:
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_UNIT_OFFLINE;
- }
- else if (ios2->ios2_BufferManagement == NULL)
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_BUFF_ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags &= ~SANA2IOF_QUICK;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadListSem);
- AddTail((struct List*)&pb->pb_ReadList, (struct Node*)ios2);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadListSem);
- ios2 = NULL;
- }
- break;
- case CMD_WRITE:
- case S2_BROADCAST:
- if (ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags & SANA2IOF_RAW)
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
- }
- else if(ios2->ios2_DataLength > pb->pb_MTU)
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_MTU_EXCEEDED;
- }
- else if (ios2->ios2_BufferManagement == NULL)
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_BUFF_ERROR;
- }
- else if (pb->pb_Flags & (PLIPF_OFFLINE | PLIPF_NOTCONFIGURED))
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_UNIT_OFFLINE;
- }
- else
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags &= ~SANA2IOF_QUICK;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = 0;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_WriteListSem);
- AddTail((struct List*)&pb->pb_WriteList, (struct Node*)ios2);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_WriteListSem);
- Signal((struct Task*)pb->pb_Server, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F);
- ios2 = NULL;
- }
- break;
- case S2_ONLINE:
- case S2_OFFLINE:
- case S2_CONFIGINTERFACE: /* forward request */
- DevForwardIO(pb, ios2);
- ios2 = NULL;
- break;
- memcpy(ios2->ios2_SrcAddr, pb->pb_SrcAddr, PLIP_ADDRFIELDSIZE);
- memcpy(ios2->ios2_DstAddr, pb->pb_DstAddr, PLIP_ADDRFIELDSIZE);
- break;
- {
- struct Sana2DeviceQuery *devquery;
- devquery = ios2->ios2_StatData;
- devquery->DevQueryFormat = 0; /* "this is format 0" */
- devquery->DeviceLevel = 0; /* "this spec defines level 0" */
- if (devquery->SizeAvailable >= 18) devquery->AddrFieldSize = PLIP_ADDRFIELDSIZE;
- if (devquery->SizeAvailable >= 22) devquery->MTU = pb->pb_MTU;
- if (devquery->SizeAvailable >= 26) devquery->BPS = pb->pb_ReportBPS;
- if (devquery->SizeAvailable >= 30) devquery->HardwareType = S2WireType_PLIP;
- devquery->SizeSupplied = min((int)devquery->SizeAvailable, 30);
- }
- break;
- case S2_ONEVENT:
- /* Two special cases. S2EVENT_ONLINE and S2EVENT_OFFLINE are supposed to
- retun immediately if we are already in the state that they are waiting
- for. */
- if (((ios2->ios2_WireError & S2EVENT_ONLINE) && !(pb->pb_Flags & PLIPF_OFFLINE)) ||
- ((ios2->ios2_WireError & S2EVENT_OFFLINE) && (pb->pb_Flags & PLIPF_OFFLINE)))
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = 0;
- ios2->ios2_WireError &= (S2EVENT_ONLINE|S2EVENT_OFFLINE);
- DevTermIO(pb,ios2);
- ios2 = NULL;
- }
- else if ((ios2->ios2_WireError & (S2EVENT_ERROR|S2EVENT_TX|S2EVENT_RX|S2EVENT_ONLINE|
- != ios2->ios2_WireError)
- {
- /* we cannot handle such events */
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_BAD_EVENT;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Queue anything else */
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags &= ~SANA2IOF_QUICK;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_EventListSem);
- AddTail((struct List*)&pb->pb_EventList, (struct Node*)ios2);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_EventListSem);
- ios2 = NULL;
- }
- break;
- /* --------------- stats support ----------------------- */
- case S2_TRACKTYPE:
- if (!addtracktype(pb, ios2->ios2_PacketType))
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_BAD_STATE;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_ALREADY_TRACKED;
- }
- break;
- if (!remtracktype(pb, ios2->ios2_PacketType))
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_BAD_STATE;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_NOT_TRACKED;
- }
- break;
- if (!gettrackrec(pb, ios2->ios2_PacketType, ios2->ios2_StatData))
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_BAD_STATE;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_NOT_TRACKED;
- }
- break;
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_UNIT_OFFLINE;
- }
- else if (ios2->ios2_BufferManagement == NULL)
- {
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_BUFF_ERROR;
- }
- else
- { /* Enqueue it to the orphan-reader-list */
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Flags &= ~SANA2IOF_QUICK;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadOrphanListSem);
- AddTail((struct List*)&pb->pb_ReadOrphanList, (struct Node*)ios2);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadOrphanListSem);
- ios2 = NULL;
- }
- break;
- memcpy(ios2->ios2_StatData, &pb->pb_DevStats, sizeof(struct Sana2DeviceStats));
- break;
- {
- struct Sana2SpecialStatHeader *s2ssh = (struct Sana2SpecialStatHeader *)ios2->ios2_StatData;
- s2ssh->RecordCountSupplied = 0;
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = IOERR_NOCMD;
- }
- break;
- /* --------------- unsupported requests -------------------- */
- /* all standard commands we don't support */
- case CMD_RESET:
- case CMD_UPDATE:
- case CMD_CLEAR:
- case CMD_STOP:
- case CMD_START:
- case CMD_FLUSH:
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = IOERR_NOCMD;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
- break;
- /* other commands (SANA-2) we don't support */
- /*case S2_MULTICAST:*/
- default:
- ios2->ios2_Req.io_Error = S2ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
- ios2->ios2_WireError = S2WERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
- break;
- }
- if (ios2) DevTermIO(pb, ios2);
- return;
- }
- /*E*/
- /*
- ** stop io-command
- */
- /*F*/ PUBLIC ASM SAVEDS LONG DevAbortIO(REG(a1) struct IOSana2Req *ior, REG(a6) BASEPTR)
- {
- BOOL is;
- LONG rc = 0;
- d(("cmd = %ld\n",ior->ios2_Req.io_Command));
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_WriteListSem);
- if (is = isinlist((struct Node*)ior, (struct List*)&pb->pb_WriteList)) abort(pb,ior);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_WriteListSem);
- if (is) goto leave;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadListSem);
- if (is = isinlist((struct Node*)ior, (struct List*)&pb->pb_ReadList)) abort(pb,ior);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadListSem);
- if (is) goto leave;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_EventListSem);
- if (is = isinlist((struct Node*)ior, (struct List*)&pb->pb_EventList)) abort(pb,ior);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_EventListSem);
- if (is) goto leave;
- ObtainSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadOrphanListSem);
- if (is = isinlist((struct Node*)ior, (struct List*)&pb->pb_ReadOrphanList)) abort(pb,ior);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&pb->pb_ReadOrphanListSem);
- if (is) goto leave;
- rc = -1;
- leave:
- return rc;
- }
- /*E*/